
Ron Suppa. 1948-2016


Today we rerun six of his articles, which you can access from the front page.

Ron was an entertainment attorney, former studio and production company executive, and writer/producer of more than a dozen feature films. He was also a highly in-demand script doctor and production consultant.

Graduating at the top of his Wisconsin Law School class, Ron joined the Los Angeles firm of Mitchell, Silberberg & Knupp. His practice concentrated on the representation of major studios, high-profile producers and directors, and numerous celebrities, such as Paul Newman, Warren Beatty, Steve McQueen, Jack Nicholson, Michelle Pfeiffer and Goldie Hawn. He continued practising entertainment law through the New York based firm of Pryor, Cashman & Sherman, and his own firm, Krintzman & Suppa.

ron suppa 2Ron made the move to the production side of filmmaking with his first Produced By credit for Universal Pictures at age 27: Paradise Alley, starring Sylvester Stallone. As a produced screenwriter and member of the Writer’s Guild of America since 1984, Ron’s credits came to include 12 feature films which he wrote and/or produced. He also stewarded through production 11 additional feature films in his roles as President and/or Senior Executive in charge of Worldwide Production for Force Ten Productions, Kodiak Films, Atlantic Releasing Corp., and his own company, Ronald Suppa Productions, Inc.

In his position as Senior Instructor of Screenwriting at UCLA, the world’s largest adult education program, Ron received The Outstanding Instructor Award. He was also an author, and his books on the art, craft and business of screenwriting included This Business of Screenwriting (Ifilm, 1999), and his current bestselling Real Screenwriting: Strategies and Stories from the Trenches (Thomson Course Technology, 2006).

The best piece of advice to screenwriters I ever heard Ron Suppa give, and which I told my screenwriting students for years thereafter was this:  The pitch meeting you take is not about you and not about your pitch, it’s about the executive and what he or she needs or wants.

Tom Stempel, Creative Screenwriting Columnist

Ron was one of the finest writers I have known and I’m very sad to hear this news. My sincerest condolences to his family and many friends.

Erik Bauer, Creative Screenwriting Founder


Sam Roads


Our Executive Editor is also Creative Director at Facebook developer Microcosm Games, writes graphic novels and has won awards for <i>The Lord of the Rings</i> games. <br> <table> <tr> <td><a href=""><img src="" style="height:25px"></a> </td> <td><a href="">@samroads1</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img src="" style="height:25px"></a></td> <td><a href=""></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href=""><img src="" style="height:25px"></a> </td> <td><a href=""></a> </td> </tr> </table>

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